Make your brand stand out.

Various Clients

Over the years, I’ve designed countless logos for clients in every field. Because most clients nowadays require a modern solution that works across print and digital mediums, I often create a logo system for them rather than just one single logo mark. This usually includes a primary logo and several variations of that logo—favicons, logotypes, vertical/horizontal lockups, and so on.

Below you’ll see a selection of logos and logo systems I’ve made for various clients. Each of them sets the brand apart from its competitive landscape. Most of these are animated GIFs.

Edward brought a level of strategic thinking to my logo that took what I had originally imagined to a much greater and ultimately more effective final product. Just blown away by his insight into the ‘why’ behind every design decision and his ability to bring my new brand to life!
— Bora Kim, Founder of Pocket Cakes Baking Co.


Clients: Pocket Cakes Baking Co, Braintrust Creative, Alpharetta & South Forsyth Project, Han Vision, Grace Korean Community Church, Immanuel Church, Elroii, People of Victory, Sun Stitcher Fiber Arts.
Special Thanks: Bora Kim, Drew Kimball, Andrew Harwell, Joe Song, James Lee, James Ro, Josh Grimmett, Nicole Amadio, Ellen Sun.

Logo Designer: Edward Sun


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